
I’ve come to an acceptance that I’m not a very important person in the world and never will be – if It’s a wonderful Life was shot about me, my dissapearance probably wouldn’t affect the world. Or at least not in obvious ways – if the people who theorize that a butterfly can flap its wings in one city and affect the weather in another are correct, my dissapearance would affect the world in a whole lot of subtle and difficult to predict ways. But probably nothing that you could make a movie about. Sometimes I worry that the world would in fact be a better place without me. But this is the year 2005, there are 6.5 billion people on the planet, and one is by definition going to be inconsequential. My life matters to me.
Small things are big
Big things are small
Tiny acts have huge effects

[1] http://www.sheer.us/

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