Windows 7+双显然器,在别的机器远程登录后本机屏幕变黑,不是死机,啥都看不到无法登录。尝试了一下发现是如果主显示器的编号是2的时候(Screen resolution -> Identity)就会出现这种问题,如果是1就没有问题。解决的办法是把两个显示器的DVI接线互换一下,问题解决。
Windows 7+双显然器,在别的机器远程登录后本机屏幕变黑,不是死机,啥都看不到无法登录。尝试了一下发现是如果主显示器的编号是2的时候(Screen resolution -> Identity)就会出现这种问题,如果是1就没有问题。解决的办法是把两个显示器的DVI接线互换一下,问题解决。
As I would like to use PowerShell integrated with the visual studio command prompt, here is one nice solution for this.
The basic idea is that we need use the Set-Item to set the environment variables parsed from the = in the original bat files.
Today I want to check whether the Windbg is installed on the target machine with expected version, and if not, install the correct version with Powershell. It turns out that Powershell is really powerful to do such things.
$dbgApp = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_Product" -namespace "root\CIMV2" | where {$_.Caption -like '*Debugging Tools for Windows*'}; if ($dbgApp -eq $null -or !$dbgApp.Version.StartsWith("6.13")) { msiexec /passive /i D:\Debug\dbg_amd64.msi; }