
I’ve come to an acceptance that I’m not a very important person in the world and never will be – if It’s a wonderful Life was shot about me, my dissapearance probably wouldn’t affect the world. Or at least not in obvious ways – if the people who theorize that a butterfly can flap its wings in one city and affect the weather in another are correct, my dissapearance would affect the world in a whole lot of subtle and difficult to predict ways. But probably nothing that you could make a movie about. Sometimes I worry that the world would in fact be a better place without me. But this is the year 2005, there are 6.5 billion people on the planet, and one is by definition going to be inconsequential. My life matters to me.
Small things are big
Big things are small
Tiny acts have huge effects

[1] http://www.sheer.us/




4月份mails的邮件系统升级后, 班级网页上利用perl写的CGI群发代码就工作不正常了,大部分信都发送不出去, 察看badmail得到一下出错信息:
Final-Recipient: rfc822;XXXXX@ mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;553 From <XXXXXX@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn>, message blocked,
you are not authorized to send mail, authentication is required.
Final-Recipient: rfc822;XXXX@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 Connection refused(domain). MAIL FROM [ xxxxxxxx@gmail.
com] mismatches client IP [166.111.X.X].
Final-Recipient: rfc822;xxxxxxxx@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;553 Too much sessions in a connection.
初步推断是两个问题造成的, 一是mails的服务器增加了垃圾邮件检测机制,会把from域的邮件地址的后部分和发送服务器的IP进行匹配,如果不匹配认为是垃圾邮件.二是一次connection发送数量有上限.
针对第一个问题,采取了一种折中的措施,把from域填入一个假的email地址,后面部分和机器的IP能够匹配,但保留replyto还是实际的email地址以便可以回复,很顺利,第一个问题解决;  第二个问题绕了一些弯路,首先尝试改动了CGI的发送代码,把群发列表分为几次分开发送,结果总是有近三十封左右的badmail,这时候想到了IIS的smtp服务, 发现其属性中有一项一次连接发送的邮件数,默认值是2000,尝试改为150,问题得到解决.应该是IIS的smtp服务会把短时间内的发往同一服务器的邮件整理一次连结发送的,这样做是有道理的.现在只有4个badmail了,其中有3个的确是不可用的email,还有一个是发给假邮件地址造成的,找到对应的代码注释掉发给from的邮件,同时从群发列表中删去3个不可用的email.问题解决!


以前的实习日记还是很有用的,周五提交weekly report的时候就用上了.上周主要是完成了qdl的几个ts的转移并完成了新的两个ts. 并标记另外两个ts为manual. 现在有个想法是利用eclipse plugin完成ts撰写过程中部分机械的步骤. 也可以考虑先用python做个简单的脚本实现.


Ref: http://www.budbrain.it/index.cfm/2006/1/4/UltraVNC-and-Windows-XP-Lock

UltraVNC and Windows XP Lock

Finally I have resolved a problem with UltraVNC: I wasn’t able to connect to my pc from the internet. The ports on the router/firewall were open and forwarded to my local lan.
In fact the problem was really silly! UltraVNC, started in “application mode” not with windows services, doesn’t work if the computer is lock (press your keyboard’s windows key + L to understand what I mean with lock).
Every time I leave my home I lock down my pc… and that was the problem. Now with UltraVNC in service mode, even if I lock the computer, I can login into the system


五一前的最后一周了。周三和周四主要是帮zhanghy跑一堆ts,大部分都是不错容易通过,有些却有些莫名其妙的问题,在别人机器上可以在我的机器却不行。以后在写ts的时候需要注意sleep的设计。周四的时候note id到了,不出我的所料是wwangf,爸妈当时咋不给我起个复杂些的名字呢-_-,一辈子的事情啊。周四把qdl的八个case给接手了,估计五一后需要有三天的时间来熟悉她的例子并移到我的目录下。设想中的修改文件的脚本也应该尽快完成了,用python.